Tuesday 10 April 2018

Sir Francis Snapcase

A statue to be erected in Much-Piddling village square. The village's greatest hero, the Elizabethan swash-buckler and explorer (some would say pirate but b'damned to them), Sir Francis Snapcase. Born in Much-Piddling in 1540, 'tis rumoured he died in El Dorado in 1599.

The inscription reads: Sir Francis Snapcase, 1540 - 1599, "Singed the Queen of Spain's Bush"


Frank O Donnell said...

Nice every town needs a hero of yesteryear :)

Vagabond said...

Very nice, but you should get the villagers to clean that verdigris off the statue ;)

Martin Thornton said...

and Sir Francis was indeed a hero, although always in trouble with Queenie!

Martin Thornton said...

Unfortunately, the village verdigris-cleaner has got his call-up papers and gone to join the 3rd Foot & Mouth Regiment.